Thursday, January 6, 2011

Prince Caspian

With the arrival of a new Chronicles of Narnia movie, I wanted to watch the previous two movies so that I would be caught up with the characters;-)  That led to watching the special features and in the features for Prince Caspian there is the option to watch the movie with pop up blurbs of trivia about C. S. Lewis.  Did you know that he wrote the Chronicles of Narnia books when he was in his 50s?  And that one of the reasons he wrote the books was because he was concerned about the manners of children of his day?  My, oh, my what would he say about the manners of today's children?

Well, after watching the movies and seeing the blurbs, I wanted to read the books again.  I'd read them a long, long, long, time ago in my high school days so remembered to general story line but not all of the details.  As almost always, the books are so much better!  I'm almost finished with Prince Caspian and have The Magician's Nephew waiting nearby.  Some of the unanswered questions that I had from the movies are answered clearly in the books.  For instance, why is Queen Susan called The Gentle?  She didn't seem very gentle in the movie!  Well, the book gives very clear explanation!  And did Lucy really see Aslan when they were standing by the gorge?  You have to read it to really understand!

So, I'm off to finish up some things about the house and hopefully to sneak in a little more reading!


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